Bait Your Mate
By mmartinez on May 9, 2024
Listen to Bait Your Mate every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings at 7:40AM!
Are you suspicious your significant other isn’t faithful? Drop us a DM on Instagram @ now1005fm, and we’ll put them to the test!
Jaimie’s girlfriend keeps talking about memories that weren’t created with him. He found a receipt from a hotel and needs our help finding out who she’s creating these memories with.
Laura’s boyfriend bought a cake that said, “Happy Anniversary,” but it wasn’t for her. She wants our help to get her some answers.
Erin’s boyfriend says his sister is living with him, but when she was drove by his house the other day, she saw him kissing another woman on his porch. Today, we’re helping her get some answers!
Julie’s boyfriend has been so busy at work, that he’s forgotten all about their date nights, her birthday, and their anniversary. He’s been disappearing for walks at night, and she wants to know why.
Grace’s husband purchased lots of holiday gifts, but the problem is that she didn’t receive any of them. She just found a hotel reservation in his email and thinks he’s meeting some else. Today, we’re helping her bait her mate!
Rachel’s boyfriend has been spending a lot of the time with his accountability coach at the gym and hasn’t been giving his girlfriend much attention. She wants to know what’s going on.
Vanessa and her husband had plans to meet on New Year’s Eve and he canceled. Then, she saw a picture of him with another woman at dinner that same night. We’re helping her get the truth.
Leiana’s boyfriend has a best friend named Christina who recently became single. Recently, their friendship has been causing problems in their relationship because Christina is constantly calling and going over to his place. She has a weird feeling about it so we’re helping her get some answers.
Cassie was excited that her boyfriend was volunteering at a toy drive. He was there all the time, but she wasn’t suspicious until she overheard a conversation and saw a gift for another woman…
Melinda travels for work and every time she’s on the road, the cameras go offline. She thinks her boyfriend is inviting someone over that he doesn’t want to be seen on the camera, so were helping her get to the bottom of it.
Sara wants to kick off the New Year with some closure. After 4 years, her boyfriend broke up with her with no explanation. She wants to know if it was because of another woman and we’re helping her get some answers!
Marissa’s boyfriend has been working the swing shift. When she wakes up in the middle of the night, he’s not home. He says he’s out with coworkers, but she thinks he’s seeing someone else. Today, we’re putting him to the test.
Sophie’s sister is dating a guy that she heard is cheating. He’s also being disrespectful, so we’re helping her expose him.
Amanda’s husband bought diamond earrings with an initial engraving that are not hers. She thinks they’re for someone else and we’re helping her get to the truth.
Joanna’s boyfriend is being secretive about where he’s going and who he’s with. She thinks he might be seeing someone else so we’re helping her get some answers.
Daniel overheard his girlfriend talking about how she’s dating two guys and wants to focus on one guy named Garratt. Today we’re putting her to the test.
Devon’s girlfriend joined a kickball team that she’s been spending a lot more time with. He recently found a shirt in her bag that isn’t hers and he wants some answers.
Christy’s boyfriend travels for work and she’s worried that he isn’t being faithful because he’s avoiding video calls with her and traveling a lot more, so we’re helping her get some answers.
Brent’s girlfriend has been supporting their mutual friend through a breakup. They’ve handing out a lot, and when he asked her about it, it blew up in his face, and now she’s not talking to him. Today, we’re helping his figure out why.
Brooke’s boyfriend has been dressing up to go to the office and having a lot more late nights at work. She thinks he’s seeing someone else because she found a scarf that doesn’t belong to her in his car. We’re helping her get to the truth!
Alex says his girlfriend has been spending a lot of time away finding her inner peace. He thinks she might be seeing someone else. Today, we’re helping him get some answers!
Lucy feels that her boyfriend hasn’t been putting effort in their relationship. They’ve even tried couples therapy…
Heather’s boyfriend has been sleeping on the couch. She thinks he’s texting other girls, he says he’s just playing games on his phone late at night. Today, we’re putting him to the test.
Rebecca says that her husband has been very friendly to one of the other moms in their group. She thinks that he might have eyes for someone else, so we’re helping her get some answers!
Tyler’s girlfriend was caught on a video chat with another guy! They’ve also received a package addressed to another man. We’re helping him get to the truth!
Cammy’s boyfriend says he’s been working at an animal shelter, but when she went to visit him, he wasn’t there. Today we’re helping her get some answers.
Tina’s boyfriend works from home and every time she walks by his desk, he hides his screen. She thinks he’s seeing someone else, so we’re putting him to the test!
Megan and her boyfriend share a Lyft account and he’s been getting a ride to a coffee shop, but only when she is out of town. Today, we’re helping her get some answers.
Kaitlyn found out her boyfriend has WhatsApp on his phone. After she asked him about it, he changed his passwords! Today, we’re heling her find out why!
Kaitlyn is good at communicating with her boyfriend, but he’s not the best. She thinks there’s someone else and we’re helping her get to the truth.
Mia noticed that her boyfriend got a new suit. In that suit, she found a note from a woman named Emily. Today, we’re helping her get some answers.
Lindsey’s husband travels a lot for work, and she recently found diamond earrings in his bag and an rideshare receipt…
Leanne doesn’t know why her boyfriend doesn’t take her out in public. She thinks he’s hiding something, and we’re helping her get the truth.
Laura and her fiancé have been planning their wedding, but she has this weird feeling that there might be some history between her friend and her fiancé…
Sydney dropped off her boyfriend at the airport in his car and he said that she could drive it while he was out of town. The only problem is that she found what looks like an overnight bag hidden in his trunk!
Emily is suspicious of her boyfriend’s recent purchase of photography equipment because he’s never had an interest in photography. Then, he received a letter from a lawyer…
Jenna’s boyfriend has been spending a lot of alone time with his ex who is also the mother of his child. He claims they’re talking about their strategy for co-parenting, but she’s suspicious that something else is going on…
Tanya has been with her boyfriend for 3 years. She knows he’s able to be on his phone at work, yet he never answers her text messages. We’re helping her get some answers!
Daniel’s wife is an event planner. One of her clients has been showering her with gifts, and he recently found a suspicious letter in her purse. Today, we’re putting her to the test!
Tara’s boyfriend accidently sent her a text saying he “can’t hangout because he’s having dinner with his girlfriend.” He said it was a joke, but she thinks the text was meant for another woman…
Lily and her fiancé are planning a trip to Italy. She’s been seeing some red flags and needs help getting the truth.
Melinda travels for work and every time she leaves, the security cameras go offline. She thinks that her boyfriend is inviting someone over and trying to hide it from the cameras.
Vanessa’s boyfriend is a photographer, and she found a photo of a woman she doesn’t recognize on his camera…
Sonia found conditioner in her boyfriend’s shower and it’s not his because he’s bald, but it’s not hers either. We’re helping her figure out who it belongs to!
Chris’s girlfriend has been going to yoga classes and he’s suspicious of her newest friend she met at her yoga studio.
Hannah’s boyfriend has been going on family trips to visit family. She is worried that he is not being faithful. Today, we’re getting to the bottom of it.
Melissa’s husband Josh has been using work as an excuse to come home late more and more often. We’re helping her get some answers!
Ashley’s boyfriend has been going to the gym and losing weight. When she said that she wanted to join him, he said that was his time away and did not want her to.
David’s girlfriend has been getting really dressed up to go everywhere and makes up excuses as to why he can’t join her. He also says that she’s been having secret phone calls. We’re helping him find out the truth.
Chloe was celebrating her boyfriend’s birthday. She came early and he was in a hurry to get her out of the house. Today, we’re helping her find out why he was in a hurry.
Emily’s fiancé has been going to the gym by himself and only at night. While she was doing his laundry, she found a lipstick stain on one of his shirts…
Faith has been with her boyfriend for 6 months, and they’ve never been over at his place. She thinks he’s hiding something.
Ana noticed that her boyfriend got a text from his ex, Veronica. He said it was someone else, but Ana is suspicious he’s lying about something.
Nicole boyfriend is picking fights all the time. He’s been distant and she’s worried there is someone else.
Kierra doesn’t know where her boyfriend has been disappearing to. She’s been working a lot and thinks he might be seeing someone else.
Maya is not sure if her boyfriend of a year is seeing someone else. She doesn’t have any proof, so we’re helping her get some answers.
Mary found out her boyfriend is cheating and wants to expose him on-air! Listen to find out his reaction.
Rachel’s boyfriend told her to stop tagging him in social media posts. When she didn’t, he deleted his social media. Today, we’re helping her find out if he’s seeing someone else.
Annie thinks her boyfriend’s ex is back in the picture since he’s been acting weird lately.
Her boyfriend, Anthony seems uninterested in their relationship. He’s not responding to her texts and only wants to play video games all day. We’re helping her figure out why.
Alice doesn’t believe her boyfriend is spending time with his best friend. She thinks there’s another woman.
Joel’s girlfriend, Rachel has been working late the past couple of months and he’s worried there’s another man. Today we’re helping him find out the truth.
Alexa heard something suspicious on the baby monitor and wants to know what her boyfriend is hiding.
Chelsey and Shawn have defined their relationship as exclusive, but he’s been MIA for long periods of time and when he does come around, he guards his phone from her.
Chloe has been dating her boyfriend for a year and suggested they move in together. He wasn’t excited and has been checked out lately. Today, we’re helping her find out what’s going on!
Mikayla’s boyfriend hasn’t posted her on his Instagram, so she asked him about it, and he avoided the question. She feels that he is hiding her…
Sarah was in her boyfriend’s car, and she found a credit card that belonged to a woman named Rose. He says Rose is a coworker, but Sarah doesn’t believe him.
Victoria came home early from work and found her boyfriend dressed up like he was coming home from a date. We’re helping her find out what he was really up to.
Damien feels that his girlfriend is using him. She only makes time for him when he takes her shopping but is always busy with her friend any other time…
Erin has to drive by her boyfriend’s house on her way to work every day. One morning when she was driving by, she saw him kissing another woman! Today we’re helping her catch him red-handed.
Leiana thinks her boyfriend, Aaron is a little too close to his best friend, Christina. They’re always together and laughing at inside jokes. He claims that they’re just friends and nothing is going on. Today we’re putting him to the test!
Damien thinks his model girlfriend is taking advantage of him. He takes her shopping and helps her with some of her bills, but he has a feeling there might be someone else.
Sarah is looking for closure from her ex-boyfriend, Dylan. Today, we’re helping her get some answers.
Julia met a guy at a comedy show. Turns out he’s a comedian and wanted her to come to his shows. Now, he’s not inviting her or returning her calls. She wants to know if to take him seriously or he’s a joke.
Daniel overheard his girlfriend, Melina talking about balancing her time with two guys an. She mentioned a guy named Garret, so we’re putting her to the test!
Sophie’s sister is dating a rumored cheater, and she wants to find out if he’s seeing other women.
Rebecca and her husband have been married for 6 years, have 3 kids, and he works all the time. She feels that he hasn’t been paying attention to her lately and is worried there’s someone else.
Caitlin’s boyfriend got a new app on his phone that she thinks he’s using to cheat because he recently changed his password on his phone.
Lucy says that her relationship feels more like a roommate situation since her boyfriend has been distant lately. She thinks there’s someone else…
Brent noticed that his girlfriend, Emma has been spending a lot of time with his best friend, Joey. He’s worried that something is going on between them because she doesn’t answer his calls or texts when she’s with Joey.
Tina wants to know why her boyfriend, Bryan, who works from home suddenly got a privacy screen…
Megan and her boyfriend share a Lyft account and when she goes out of town, he goes to the same address. He says he’s going to a coffee shop, but Megan looked up the address and it’s NOT a coffee shop…
Katelyn’s boyfriend is always on his phone but doesn’t seem to have the time to text her back. He says that it’s for work, but she thinks she’s being strung along…
Heather is suspicious of her boyfriend because he’s been staying up late sleeping on the couch claiming he can’t sleep and is playing games on his phone. She thinks something is going on.
LeAnn wants to find out if her boyfriend is hiding her or if he’s cheap because they never go out in public together. They always stay home.
Cindy found something in the back of her boyfriend’s car that is making her question their relationship. Listen to find out what he’s been hiding!
Marissa says her boyfriend Stevie has been getting home at midnight and sometimes until after 2am. He claims that he’s hanging out with a coworker and that she is a good employee…
Sonia thinks Jeremy is cheating on her with someone that uses $30 conditioner! She claims it can’t be his because he’s bald…
Tanya’s boyfriend has been working late nights delivering for DoorDasah and Postmates. She’s suspicious he isn’t being faithful.
Ashley said Nick has been going to the gym more often, but he doesn’t want her to join him. He claims he wants his alone time, but she thinks something else is going on…
Chloe came home early to surprise her boyfriend for his birthday, but he was acting really weird. You won’t believe what we dig up!
Terry got a text from her boyfriend that she thinks was meant for someone else. Today, we’re throwing out some bait and putting him to the test!
Alexa and Noah have been together for 5 years and they recently had a baby girl. You won’t believe what she saw and heard something on the baby monitor!
Melinda lives with her boyfriend and when she goes out of town, the cameras go offline. Listen to find out of her boyfriend Ian is up to something.
Faith has never stayed at her boyfriend’s house. We give her boyfriend a call to find out the truth, and you won’t believe what he says!
Cara lives a busy life and her boyfriend, Kevin says she never has time for him. She is suspicious because he disappeared for an entire weekend.
Mary got a message on Instagram from a girl Leah who works with her boyfriend. Listen to find out who he sends romantic roses to!
Sara was in the passenger seat of her boyfriend’s car when she found a credit card with the name “Rose” on it. He said Rose is his coworker, but after some research, Sara discovered the truth.
Damien thinks his girlfriend is taking advantage of him. He takes her to dinner, on shopping trips, and occasionally pays her bills. Today, we’re putting her to the test!
Alice is getting suspicious that her boyfriend is spending a lot more time with his best friend. Then she ran in his girlfriend that also had something to say…