Effective immediately, the KHTK, KNCI, KYMX and KZZO Promotions Department is open for prize pick up beginning at 10AM-3PM, Monday-Friday. Please check back to this page and keep tuning into KHTK, KNCI, KYMX and KZZO for further updates, and follow our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Unless otherwise indicated below, NOW 100.5’s general contest rules apply to NOW 100.5 contests. For the specific terms and conditions applicable to a particular NOW 100.5 contest, please see below. You can also view NOW 100.5’s General Contest Rules HERE. KZZO BottleRock Napa Valley 1.16 Contest Rules (CURRENT)
HB5 KZZO Justin Timberlake 1.06 Contest Rules (EXPIRED) KZZO Sacramento Kings 12.30 Contest Rules (EXPIRED) KZZO Mix Downtown NYE 12.16 Contest Rules (EXPIRED)