People Working These Jobs are More Likely to Cheat

By dregaldo on November 6, 2023
(AUSTRALIA OUT) Generic divorce, 11 March 2004. AFR Picture by JESSICA SHAPIRO (Photo by Fairfax Media via Getty Images via Getty Images)

A whopping 43% of employees have admitted to having an affair at work. That’s a lot if you ask me!

Where are these affairs happening? 25% say the hookup happened at work, 21% say it was at a work event, 14% say it was during a work trip and 17% say it was outside of work. 

According to the survey the top professions that are most likely to cheat are;

1. Sales, with the irregular work hours and frequent networking events.

2. Teacher/Education/Training

3. Healthcare

4. Transport and logistics

5. Hospitality and events management

6. Engineering and manufacturing

7. Property and construction

8. Accountants, banking, and finance

9. I.T.

10. Armed forces

You can read more on the survey here


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