You’ll Be Able To Vote On Splitting California In November
Someone proposed that California be split into 3 smaller states, and it got enough attention and signatures that it’ll be on the next ballot.
By nowproducerdave on June 13, 2018
There’s a measure coming to a ballot near you. It will be called the “Division Of California Into Three States” measure. To put it simply, we would be left with North California, South California, and California. The “new” California is cute, it actually looks like a mini-current California. Anyway, I digress. “North California” would include San Francisco, Sacramento, etc, and north. “South” California would include Fresno and south, and “California” would be L.A. and counties up the coast through Monterey.
A businessman from San Francisco hatched the plan. Tim Draper came up with the idea, and this is actually the second time he’s tried. The first time, back in 2014, he wanted the state to divide into six smaller states. That plan fell through after “certain difficulties” he encountered. More on that here. This time, he gathered all the necessary signatures tat are needed to get his plan on the next ballot.
So come November, if you so choose, you’ll be able to vote on splitting California into 3 smaller states. He has a lot of reasons for this idea. One of those reasons is government. He says that it would make more sense to have the different sections of the state handle their own properties in their own ways, basically. A “state” law that might be good for southern California isn’t necessarily good for northern California. There really are a lot of details about it, which are better read over here, and on the official “Cal 3” website here.
If it gets a majority vote, will it happen? Well, no, not necessarily. If voters in California decide to split the state, the measure then goes to Congress. There, lawmakers can then decide if they want to start the paperwork, or throw it in the trash, essentially. It can happen, but they say it most likely won’t happen. Do you support splitting California into smaller states?