This Woman’s Brilliant Response To Guys Asking For Nudes
A woman was being harassed for nude pictures, and her response is absolute gold, and already will make the ‘2018 Best of the Year’ list for sure.
By nowproducerdave on January 5, 2018
Like many women have voiced before, this woman was sick of being asked for nude pictures. Apparently that really is a serious problem, and does seem to be happening a lot, especially while in the dating game (but we’ve heard stories of co-workers asking, and even former spouses/boyfriends, etc). Anyway, this woman was tired of it, and she came up with a pretty seriously brilliant way to get back. Here’s the screenshot she posted:
im prankin this guy as if im sending nudes but in reality…im literally typing “Attachment: 1 Image”
— pobre diabla (@saucynatt) January 3, 2018
Now THAT is funny. Serves the guy right, hah! Good for her though, short of just completely laying into the guy and just plain calling him out him for asking in the first place (which might be a good way to handle it as well), this way should just become the new standard way to respond to creeps who are constantly asking for nude pics. Literally just respond with “Attachment: 1 Image.” How genius.
Do you have another way to respond? Are you a more direct, “call the guy out” sort of person, or is something like this going to be your new go-to?