Man Asks Police For Help Breaking Up With Girlfriend
A man in Germany went to his local police station with a personal emergency… he needed help breaking up with his girlfriend!
By Admin on March 29, 2018
A man in Germany walked into the Ludwigshafen police station on Tuesday, Mar. 29 with a personal emergency. He needed some help breaking up with his girlfriend.
He told the police officers that he didn’t know how to break up with her, saying he didn’t understand her anymore. So one of the female officers took him aside and gave him advice.
She also helped him think about alternate scenarios, reports DW. The station didn’t disclose what exactly they told him. However, they did make it very clear that they wouldn’t break up with his girlfriend for him. He had to do that himself. The officers said:
“We are willing to advise, but we can not close the deal. We help everyone, and we always have an open ear for citizens’ concerns.”
Hopefully the breakup went well!