Ed Sheeran’s Ketchup Obsession And Lookalike’s Stress [PIC]
Ed Sheeran’s lookalike might be getting fired from his job because people constantly come into his workplace for selfies.
By nowproducerdave on January 10, 2018
People in this world say that there’s a “twin” for everyone, meaning that there is someone out there who looks nearly the same as someone else. Whether it’s close enough to be considered a twin, or close enough to just confuse people in public, that might be true, and Ed Sheeran has a lookalike who’s facing some angry bosses at his job because customers constantly want photos.
A guy named Wesley Byrne is one of those lookalikes. He and Ed Sheeran have a very similar facial structure, both have red hair, and Wesley even wears glasses similar to what we’d see on Ed. Problem is, Wesley works at a grocery store, and on a daily basis has been taking selfies with people coming into the store for the goal of getting those selfies. He says that his managers at the store are getting annoyed and have asked him to stop letting fans take pictures with him. Outside of the store he runs into the same problems, with people constantly coming up to him for pictures, autographs, and even asking for performances. He’s had to show people his passport to prove he isn’t Sheeran, but sometimes just says “yep, the music didn’t work out” when people ask if he’s Ed. Check out a picture of the lookalike right here:
@edsheeran I hope you get too meet this guy let’s get this trending #EdSheeran lookalike this is crazy!! Make he’s dream come true #2018goals 😊💕 pic.twitter.com/4drlmn74GI
— Janet Reed (@janbaby47) January 9, 2018
As a bonus story, Ed (the real one) has an apparent obsession with ketchup. He even goes so far as to make sure that someone in his group that he travels with has a bottle for him, just in case they go to a dinner somewhere and can’t find – or won’t be served – ketchup. Some restaurants apparently are too “posh” to serve ketchup. Ed even has a tattoo as tribute to ketchup. I’m not sure there’s a condiment I like that much, but now I kind of want to find new ones to try. After hearing about someone being so obsessed with a condiment, there must be one out there for me, right? Anyway, check out some more details about his ketchobsession here.
You can see the ketchup tattoo here, just to the right of the lion’s mouth (conveniently):