Ok, so truthfully it wasn’t actually a “Throwback Thursday” post, but since it’s Thursday, we went with it. Kim posted a bunch of pictures of herself with her family throughout the years, and you can really see how much her appearance has changed.

The pictures go all the way back to Kim’s teen years and further, including when some other members of the Kardashian family were missing, like Kylie and Kendall, since they weren’t born yet. Kim made some interesting choices in eyebrows then, she says, and you can see what the popular fashion was back in the 90s too. She captioned many of the pictures, pointing out her “baby hairs” and her “thin eyebrows.”

See also: What Kim Kardashian hates about being famous.

Some childhood friends were in the mix of pictures as well, including Nicole Richie and Sara Foster, and believe it or not, Jake Gyllenhaal was there too. Yeah, we didn’t know they grew up together, either. It was nice to see a picture of Kim with her dad (Robert) too, but only one picture? No pictures with Caitlyn either, but we sort of expected that since they’ve not really been on the best of terms recently. Anyway, check out all the Kim Kardashian throwback pictures here. To be totally honest, yes she has changed a lot, but truely the change hasn’t been all that dramatic since she was a little girl, right? She learned some magic with makeup, but overall it doesn’t seem like she’s gone through any facial cosmetic surgeries or anything like that.