The #1 Big Game Food Is Not Wings Or Pizza This Year
A new survey found chicken wings are NOT the most popular Super Bowl food! Scroll down for the ten most popular Super Bowl foods this year…
By bonneville on January 29, 2020
The National Chicken Council, (yes, that’s a real thing! Lol) says Americans will eat a record 1.4 BILLION chicken wings over the Big Game weekend – that’s A LOT of wings! But, it’s not the # 1 food we’ll be eating this weekend – it’s CHIPS AND DIP!
A survey found by YouGov / NCC, the most popular Big Game foods we’ll be eating this year is chips and dip, wings, pizza, and nachos. The #1 drink choice is soda, then beer. Here are the most popular Big Game foods this year . . .
1. Chips and dip. 40% plan to serve it or eat it on Sunday.
2. Wings
3. Pizza
4. Nachos
5. Cheese and crackers
6. Cookies
7. Burgers
8. Meatballs
9. Tacos
10. Ice cream
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