Taylor Swift has been rumored to have been dating a British actor, Joe Alwyn. The two have been rumored to have been dating for a while now (was it still a rumor before this picture? We can’t keep up), and the two’s relationship is now totally confirmed after they were spotted together in NYC over the weekend. Actually, a source has said “This isn’t a new couple alert or a secret relationship – the only people this has been a secret to is the media because all of us, Taylor and Joe’s closest friends and their families, were aware they have been together for several months and have known each other for a longtime.” So there ya go, wasn’t a rumor after all. It’s also been revealed that a couple songs on her new album “Reputation” are about his as well, which is interesting since she usually just writes about ex boyfriends. We’re happy for her and Joe!

Anyway, they are quite good at staying out of the public eye (after not being seen together since this past summer), but there was no avoiding this sighting. Taylor was finishing up after performing at a concert in New York, and as she was heading to the limo that was waiting to take her back to her hotel, he appeared with her, holding her hand as they got into the car. She was happy to “snuggle” right up next to him, knowing all the cameras were around. Check out the picture of the two in the back of the car here.