After receiving both praise and criticism for her announcement that she had been cast as the role of “Batwoman” in a new television series, actress Ruby Rose finally decided that enough was enough. She recently announced her departure from Twitter, after being subject to a flood of angry tweets and social media messages expressing dissatisfaction for her being chosen as the titular role. Additionally, Rose deactivated the public comments on her personal Instagram, after inciting and spiteful messages began appearing there as well.
According to the Huffington Post, Rose was initially faced with backlash when she first announced the casting news last week. Fans of the “Batwoman” character, who is of Jewish descent and a lesbian in the comics, protested against the openly gay actress, claiming she did not fit the part. Some critics complained that Rose’s lack of a Jewish background was detrimental to the character, while others believed that she wasn’t gay enough to play the part of the lesbian superhero.
After the overwhelming amounts of back-and-forth debate between critics and supporters alike, Rose issued a final statement before announcing her social media hiatus. “Where on earth did ‘Ruby is not a lesbian therefore she can’t be Batwoman’ come from – has to be the funniest most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read,” she tweeted. “I came out at 12? And have for the past 5 years had to deal with ‘she’s too gay’ how do y’all flip it like that? I didn’t change. I wish we would all support each other and our journeys.” Rose then expressed her desire to take a break and focus on her future projects. “If you need me, I’ll be on my Bat Phone,” she said as she signed off.
For more information about “Batwoman” and the upcoming TV show, click here.