A new ugly Christmas sweater is being made, that allows two people to share the sweater at the same time.

According to Popsugar, this ridiculous Christmas sweater is meant for two people to wear it at the same time. With two separate neck-holes and a right and left sleeve, this sweater is perfect for bringing people closer together.

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The sweater is called the “Boohoo Santa and Elf Two-Person Holiday Sweater”, and is being sold by ASOS. Whether you’re with your best friend or significant other, nothing is sure to bring you closer than this crazy addition to your Christmas wardrobe. The sweater’s design features an elf and Santa body on the front, with the wearers’ heads poking out the top. 

If you’re looking for something new to surprise everyone at your holiday party, look no further than this sweater, which is being sold for $44.

Would you add this to your sweater collection?

To see pictures of the sweater being modeled in all its glory, click here.