Talk about a #goodboy! This guy was hiking when his dog led him to a tiny bear cub and they saved its life…


A hero dog in North Carolina led his owner to a baby bear cub and they saved its life! says that Boomer the black lab led his owner to the baby bear while they were starting a hike in the mountains. Boomer’s owner, Marvin Owings, did not want to touch the bear out of fear that its mom may be around so he left it alone. About a half hour later, they came across the cub again and it was still alone so Ownings contacted a local veterinarian who came and got the cub.

The cub was about 2-weeks old and very malnourished. It seems to have gone days without eating and only weighed 4 pounds. The cub was rescued and has been drinking goat’s milk and honey to regain its strength. The article says that the cub is now headed to a wildlife rehabilitation facility.

Owings says that he believes Boomer leading him to the cub “rescued the bear from certain death, possibly due to starvation.” We agree! Good boy, Boomer!