Listening To Certain Types Of Music Can Help Cure A Hangover
By austind03 on September 13, 2018
Looking for a new solution to those killer Sunday hangovers? Try listening to some of your favorite music!
According to Science Alert, new research shows that your favorite tunes can help alleviate hangover symptoms. Alexander Mauskop, director and founder of the New York Headache Center, explained:
“We have good proof that music works for pain of any kind. There is no reason to think that hangovers would be any different. It’s not as powerful as morphine, but it might be as good as Tylenol.”
One of the main ways music helps is by distracting us from our symptoms. Several studies also show that music can help reduce feelings of nausea as well.
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However, when it comes time to pick a song, try to go for one that plays at 120 bpm. Men’s Health reported on a study from the Sunway University College in Malaysia showing that music at that tempo can have the greatest effect on brain functioning. Not only will it hugely increase your motivation, it’ll also improve your memory and move you out of that hangover brain fog.
With all this in mind, don’t rely on music as your sole source of relief. It appears it’s more effective when combined with other, more traditional hangover cures, Science Alert reports.
Head right here to learn more. Also, let us know which hangover cure you like to use in the comments section below.
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