Avocados Are Out, Pickles Are In September 20, 2018 7:15 am Published by nowproducerdave <p>Millennials have loved avocados for the past few years, but it would appear that pickles are starting to become the go-to choice for green food portions.</p>
Someone Figured Out How To Make Avocados Last Longer June 20, 2018 7:24 am Published by nowproducerdave <p>Avocados go bad very quickly, but a food company has just figured out how to make them last almost twice as long.</p>
‘Millennial’ Avocado Squirrel Has Arrived [VIDEO] June 11, 2018 12:15 pm Published by nowproducerdave <p>Pizza Rat, Pizza Pup, Churro Squirrel, and now there's Avocado Squirrel, thief of millennials' favorite spread.</p>