Zayn and Gigi Hadid just split up, and he’s been pretty sad about the split, clearly. He’s already been accused of “serious thirst” after he posted a bed selfie in one of his standard, “sexy” poses, as they say. Some people seem to think that he’s trying to get back on the market fast, or perhaps that he’s trying to make Gigi regret the breakup. Check that out here.

As for the new head tattoo – it really is on his head. He got a rose tattoo on the back of his head, done in black & white (at least for now, maybe color will be in the future). He also started working on a neck tattoo as well, but we’re not quite sure what that one looks like yet, as he didn’t really reveal any part of it besides a picture of the artist working on the ink. Here’s the rose tattoo:

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And here’s a picture of the artist working on his new neck tattoo:

Neck yat

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What we CAN see is that it seems to be a two-piece jobber, with what looks like sunflowers? They’re split sort of down the middle, and then mirrored on either side of his neck. It doesn’t seem like it’s totally finished, but we can give him some credit for that – it probably hurts like crazy.

And if you remember this tattoo, it’s of (allegedly) Gigi’s eyes on his chest:

All this tattoo business, I’m wondering if he gets them to either help him deal with life changing events, like relationships, breakups, and career goals and achievements. Tattoos mean different things for different people, and we certainly understand that he’s no stranger to them, but suddenly two new ones in less than a week after a breakup just has us wondering. What do you think about new Zayn tattoo? Like it/hate it? See some more on the Rose tattoo here.

See also: Zayn’s other head tattoo he got as tribute to his dad.

Here’s an old tattoo he has from another ex girlfriend as well (Perrie Edwards), so I guess he’s gone through this all before. He’ll probably end up keeping the ink to signify that portion of his life. More on Zayns tattoos here.