I like John Cena. Don’t get me wrong. But this is nutty! The wrestler made his now ex fiance Nikki Bella sign a 75-page contract in 2013 before she moved in with him, People reports. If you’ve seen their E! reality show, you know this is true and caused problems in their relationship.

“I just don’t understand it. I just don’t know what to feel. I’m so confused,” Nikki said when discussing the contract. “It kind of makes me second-guess where John and I stand in our relationship. I love John but maybe he knows that he doesn’t want to be with me forever?”

Cena went through a divorce the same year he started dating Nikki and seemed scarred from the experience. In fact, he never saw himself getting married again but chose to propose to Nikki after years together to make her happy, which is rumored to be the reason for their recent split.

“Having been through that process, here is how I view it. It is like buying a handgun for home defense,” he explained. “It gives you a sense of security, and it gives you a failsafe in case something happens, and those who buy a handgun for self defense pray, pray they never have to use it. Without it, it’s a dog fight.”

He also revealed how much he provides for his family.

“This is what my life is. This is what it’s become,” Cena told Nikki. “You met my family. You think my mom paid for that house herself? She didn’t. My brother lives in that house, they’re expecting a child. My younger brother, he’s got medical problems. I make sure he’s okay. I always tell them, I’m a horrible brother, but I try to be the best provider that I can. I just don’t want to ever be in a position where that’s in jeopardy.”

Honestly? Their break up is probably for the best. I think he’s better off alone. Finding a great woman like Nikki who has no desire to get married and is willing to separate herself financially is going to be difficult.

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