Teen Caught Doing Something Amazing On Halloween Night [VIDEOS]
“Do a good deed every day”, he said as he emptied out all off his Halloween candy.
By Doug Lazy on November 2, 2018
Halloween is a night where people usually run amok but not this kid. See what he did that has people talking today…
KSLTV.com says that the 14-year old Utah teen named Rayce Arbon was caught on doorbell camera on Halloween dumping night his sack of trick-or-treat candy into an empty bowl that his neighbors had left out. During the night, somebody took all of the candy and Rayce loaded the dish back up with his own candy while the camera caught him saying, “Do a good deed every day.” His neighbors were so impressed with his actions that they posted the video on social media. See it below:
The internet is soo impressed by Rayce’s actions that they have started a GofundMe account for the kindhearted teen so he can “pay it forward” to the causes that he cares about. See Rayce’s GoFundMe account HERE. According to the above Facebook post, he’s currently been collecting shoe donations and trying to raise money for a seizure alert dog.