Teacher Fired After Giving A ‘Zero’ For No Homework Turned In
A teacher was fired for violating her school’s “no zero” policy after giving a student a zero-grade for not turning in an assignment.
By nowproducerdave on September 26, 2018
When I was growing up, when I didn’t do my schoolwork, I received a zero on that assignment. Pretty cut and dry – don’t do the work, you don’t get a grade. Maybe since I don’t have any young children or family members, I might be a little removed from how grading works these days in school. But, my mother is a teacher, and she hasn’t said anything about this, so maybe it’s not widespread, yet.
This teacher assigned a zero in her gradebook for a student who didn’t turn in his or her homework. Apparently this school has a “no zero” policy, which ok yes, she violated. The policy states that students should be given a 50% grade on assignments not turned in. The teacher, Diane Tirado, says that the rule is silly and not how the real world is. “I’m so upset because we have a nation of kids that are expecting to get paid and live their life just for showing up and it’s not real,” she says.
Here’s a photo of a note she left on the board to her students. The original note was apparently erased by an administrator, so she wrote it back once more.
Obviously this is raising questions about “coddling” children. Like the story from a couple days ago about parents staying on campus with their first-year student children. When do we back off and let kids figure out the real world? Do you think it’s right to give students a 50% grade for not turning anything in? Or do you think, like the real world, should they be given a zero, if that’s what they deserve? Are we preparing them for the real world, or are we over-protecting them from the real world? Here’s the original story.