Tag Archive: Rachel Uchitel

Dana's Dirt – Tuesday 2

Published by <p>What’s Lindsay Lohan doing AFTER jail? Rachel Uchitel, an addict needing Celebrity Rehab… or not! Paris Hilton is mad at […]</p>

Dana's Dirt – Monday

Published by <p>Here’s the dirt from 12:40pm… Rachel Uchitel HAD 2 reality show offers… What’s Lindsay Lohan requesting in her final hours […]</p>

Dana's Dirt – Monday

Published by <p>Here’s today’s 10:40am Dirt… By 12:40 things had changed for Rachel Uchitel! Guess who is going topless in an ad […]</p>

Dana's Dirt – Friday

Published by <p>Guess what Bristol Palin & Levi Johnston want to do to make money… ugh! John Stamos extortion case closed – […]</p>