Published by bonneville
<p>Our prayers are with the families and community of Gilroy affected by this tragedy, if you would like to help, here's where you can help</p>
Published by Doug Lazy
<p>Chris Burrous is a former Sacramento news anchor that recently passed away in Los Angeles. A Big Bang Theory star made a huge donation to his GoFundMe...</p>
Published by Doug Lazy
<p>Kylie Jenner is almost a billionaire and her fans would like her to cross that billion dollar mark ASAP - so they started her a GoFundMe...</p>
Published by nowproducerdave
<p>Geoffrey the Giraffe has been the Toys R Us mascot for years, and it looks like he may be sticking around as another mascot.</p>
Published by Doug Lazy
<p>Over the weekend, a wrong-way driver entered I5 and hit another car. Not only did wrong-way driver die, so did the 5 young people in the other car. A GoFundMe page has been set up for them...