A recent study published in Scientific Reports found that dog owners are less at risk of cardiovascular disease (heart disease) and related deaths.

The study evaluated 3.4 million 40- to 80-year-old Swedes with a history of heart condition over the course of 12 years and the Swedish researchers found that dog owners were less at risk for all-cause deaths, as well.

The study also found common healthy trends among people who owned dogs: More exercise, stronger immune systems, and a tendency to be more social. The germs that spread from giving and receiving kisses and playing with dogs strengthen the body’s immune system.

Dog ownership was shown to reduce a person living alone’s risk of cardiovascular disease by 36% and general risk of death by 33%. The chances of getting a heart attack are also 11% lower for singles with dogs.

In households with more than one person, dogs were shown to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease by 15% and general risk of death by 11%.

So… in case you missed the news, adoptions are free through the end of the year at the Sacramento SPCA.

But, of course, please do your research before adopting a pet and make sure you will be able to provide the best home for it.