Physicist Stephen Hawking Has Died
Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist and creator of the idea of “the big bang,” died peacefully in his home early Wednesday morning.
By nowproducerdave on March 14, 2018
Stephen Hawking, perhaps one of the most famous Theoretical Physicists, has passed away at the age of 76. One remarkable thing about his age is that doctors said he wouldn’t live past age 23. His 3 children, Lucy, Robert and Tim, released this statement:
We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today. He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years. His courage and persistence with his brilliance and humour inspired people across the world. He once said, ‘It would not be much of a universe if it wasn’t home to the people you love.’ We will miss him forever.
Stephen started his college years at age 17 at Oxford University, and after a few years he started to notice some some coordination issues during his final year there. After obtaining his first-class BA degree in natural science. At age 21, Stephen was attending Cambridge when he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. He gradually became paralyzed over the years, after out-living his original 2-year expectancy more than 25-times over. He met his wife shortly before being diagnosed, and he credits his engagement to her at the time for being the motivation to continue studying and working on his theories. Obviously that paid off greatly, as he became one of the greatest and more famous physicists in the world.
His most notable theory is the theory of the big bang – not the TV show, but the theory that everything in the universe all started out as one single piece of matter that exploded, and started expanding, giving us what we know of the universe today. He worked with the idea of black holes and theories about those, which continued research is still teaching scientists more today. Over the years, he was awarded with a lot of medals and accolades, including being given the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama in 2009. He was smart, he was funny, and he regularly would entertain his colleagues and students with his quick-witted humor and sharp mind. Rest in peace, Dr. Stephen Hawking. You taught us much, and you opened the door of curiosity for all to experience for years to come. See more of Stephen Hawking’s life here, including more about his education, theories, and diagnosis.