Not even AJR knows what to expect from AJR’s drive-in concerts
Credit: Shervin LainezAJR will play a pair of drive-in concerts this Wednesday and Thursday in Philadelphia. With drive-in music performances being a new phenomenon amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be hard to tell what to expect. As AJR’s Jack Met…
By ABC Audio on August 19, 2020
Credit: Shervin LainezAJR will play a pair of drive-in concerts this Wednesday and Thursday in Philadelphia. With drive-in music performances being a new phenomenon amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be hard to tell what to expect. As AJR’s Jack Met tells ABC Audio, not even the band’s sure.
“It’s so funny, ’cause we don’t know what to expect either,” Met laughs. “I don’t think anyone does.”
One thing he is sure of, though, is that the shows will be “as safe as possible.”
“Our situation is there’s no PA there,” Met explains. “It’s basically you have to stay in your car and tune to a certain frequency on the radio so you’ll hear it through your car. That’s the only way that you’ll hear the show.”
“If you were to go outside, you would only hear the drums banging and you literally wouldn’t hear us singing at all,” he adds.
Under normal circumstances, an AJR live show is usually an extravagant, theatrical affair. Met teases that “some of the bells and whistles” will make it into the drive-in shows.
“As many as we could get out in this time,” he laughs.
Overall, Met hopes that the drive-concerts will be “great moments” that offer a bit of relief in the midst of a very tough year.
“We’ve all been in this together for the last four or five months,” Met says. “It’s not ideal, but it’s just something for everyone to do and get together and put us all on the same plane of none of us have done this before.”
“We get to all just be in it together and just give it a shot,” he adds. “Which is I think all people need right now in this time of just boredom and anxiety.”
By Josh Johnson
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