Nick Jonas revealed in a recent interview which Jonas Brothers era song he doesn’t remember too fondly.

He told Us Weekly that he isn’t too proud of the song “Pizza Girl” that he wrote for the show that he and his brothers had, Jonas:

“I don’t love the song ‘Pizza Girl’ that we did for our TV show. I think back to it and listened to it the other day and I was like, ‘I don’t love it.’ Not because I’m embarrassed by it or anything. I’m actually ashamed of my lack of creativity in the song-writing department. ’Cause they said, ‘You know, we need you to write a song about how you fall in love with the pizza girl and then you eat pizza every day.’ And of course, it’s literally that. I fell in love with the pizza girl, now I eat pizza every day. Doesn’t even rhyme and it’s literally just exactly what they asked me to write about.”

He also said in the interview that he and his brothers, Kevin and Joe, sometimes will play their old Jonas Brothers hits when they’re together. And, yes, all three are well aware of how much this information drives fans crazy:

“Kevin has this really nice kind of office in his house and there’s a couple acoustic guitars laying around. And we had this moment where we looked at each other like, ‘This is what people think is happening right now.’ Like at the end of that Christmas, we end up by the fire, the three of us, with acoustic guitars, singing, playing some of the old songs.”