Mark Salling’s shocking suicide has more ramifications than you might expect…
According to TMZ, the actor plead guilty to possession of more than 50,000 images of child porn back in December. However, his death has now thrown everything out of wack.
Under his plea deal, the former Glee star was going to pay each of his victims $50,000 in restitution. Unfortunately, Salling had to receive his sentence before the judge could order the payments. With his death preceding his sentencing by two months, the judge can no longer complete the deal.
While this leave his victims out of luck in criminal courts, they still have the chance to sue his estate for damages.
That’s not the only thing the actor’s suicide has affected, however. Radar Online is also reporting that the charges Salling plead guilty to may be dropped entirely due to his death. U.S. Justice Department Spokesperson Thom Mrozek said in a statement to Radar:
“When a defendant dies, we generally dismiss the case once we obtain the proper documentation.”
We will just have to wait and see what happens going forward. Head right here to learn more.