Lost Dog Flips Out When She Realizes Who Rescues Her [VIDEO]

A dog was lost for so long that she didn’t recognize her own family, but once she realizes who’s picking her up, you’ll need tissues.

By kmvq on November 10, 2017
(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

This dog was lost for quite some time, clearly, judging by her reaction to the people picking her up. What a wonderful video, this is. Grab your tissues though.

We’re not sure about how long the dog was lost (we heard 3 years, but there’s no info on the video), but it was clearly a long time. She’s being picked up by her “new owners,” and appears very frightened and nervous at first, but when she sniffs the person she quickly realized who the guy was, and just suddenly bursts into joy and happy tail-wagging.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lbJHqAGpbA&w=560&h=315]

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