Jennifer Lawrence Tells Hilarious Golden Globes After-Party Story [VIDEO]
Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone shared their funny story of what happened after the Golden Globes, and why the two were absent from the after-parties.
By Admin on January 9, 2018
Last night, Jennifer Lawrence uploaded a funny video on her Facebook that Emma Stone filmed. She explains why she didn’t end up going to any Golden Globe after-parties, even though she got ready for them.
According to her story, Emma first messaged Jennifer, asking to be her date to some after-parties. Jennifer agreed and called her wardrobe and beauty people to start getting her ready to go out. However, Emma decided last-minute to instead ditch the parties and hang out at Jennifer’s place, and as a result….
Well, see for yourself below because, honestly, words won’t do it justice.
As Mashable states, Lawrence doesn’t post to her Facebook too often. Her most recent posts have been related to gender equality and Time’s Up! She recently shared a story about E! News anchor Catt Sadler leaving the network due to a significant pay gap compared to a male colleague.
This video was a little break from her usual posts to share a funny moment between close friends. Jennifer probably couldn’t wait for Emma to get to her house to show her the makeup look for the evening. Seems like they had a fun night!
The two have clearly been friends for a long time, and they are too cute. Friendship goals for real.