Instagram Is Testing Chronological Timeline Again
It would appear, at least according to a post from an Instagram employee, that they’re working on bringing the chronological feed back.
By nowproducerdave on March 14, 2018
This is sort of unofficial, but Instagram seems to be testing a chronological timeline once again, to much rejoyce. A couple years ago, Instagram started going more Facebook-like with their timeline page, showing you more popular posts first, rather than what people were posting in a time-order. This angered many, because before they made the change themselves, Instagram sort of started becoming more popular than Facebook after they made the same change a couple years before then.
Someone posted a video showing the new-old timeline function. Thing is, that person works for Instagram, so they get to test all the newest latest gadgetry that the company is implementing. We’re not sure how long we’ll have to wait to get the function back, but going on the fact that it’s being tested internally at the moment, we’re thinking probably within a 6-month span it will be stable and released, but that’s a guess.
This also makes us wonder if Facebook might be going the same direction, as part of their plan to bring our newsfeed closer to our friends and family rather than commercial posts. Instagram is owned by Facebook, which explains their move to go to a popularity-based timeline rather than chronological in the first place. We’re open to both options, we’d love to see most recent posts first and always on both platforms.
However, it also appears, at least for the moment, that Instagram is still tweaking their algorithms and favoring posts which get shared, rather than “new” posts as they’re posted, so maybe this is just something they’re trying out to satify some curiosity, or for research. We’ll find out some more details soon. See some more info here, including a picture of the original post by the Instagram employee, which has since been removed from his account. Has Instagram’s recent updates made you lose interest in the app? Will a chronological timeline help bring you back?