If you listen in the distance you may a couple of “whoo hoos” from parents celebrating the return of their kids to school! For most parents it truly is like the Staples commercial “the most wondeful time of the year”. But for the few who are going through very first day of school with their kid, it is sheer anxiety. Having two kids myself, I can remember grabbing my video camera and waiting for the bus to arrive for my kids. My kids were great, no tears, at least none from them. Congratulations first time parents, you will survive!
Today’s 3 o’clock Pop Quiz- 39% of married women do this behind their husband’s back. what is it?
Ladies what’s been your big ticket item you snuck into the house! Let me know 766-1005!
My wife and I have a rule that we can’t buy anything over a set price without consulting each other. Funny that her definition of “consulting” is different from mine. LOL