Dedicated Dog Parent Builds Half-Million Dollar Dog House [VIDEO]
This guy didn’t want his dog to feel lonely and also have a better “childhood” than he had himself, so he built a half-million dollar doggy play mansion.
By WKBW on October 18, 2018
Talk about a dedicated pet-parent. Pawrent? Anyway, this guy didn’t want his dog to feel lonely, and wanted the up to have a better childhood than he did. So he built a half-million dollar doghouse.
Zhou Tianxiao lives in Beijing, and grew up without his parents. They abandoned him after divorcing when he was 6, leaving him to be raised by his grandmother. He and his grandmother didn’t have a lot of money, and he was going down a self-destructive pate. When he was 26, he met Skylar, a border collie puppy. He suddenly decided to become a better person, and one who could provide for this dog who he saw as his child. When Skylar was a year old, Zhou got him a playmate – another border collie, to keep him company. He also moved himself and his pups out of the city. During this time, Zhou also started an online pet supply store, and it did pretty well.
After making nearly $400k from the online store, Zhou decided to buy an old warehouse, renovate it, and turn it into a dog playground. There’s a big pool, play areas, and common areas for the pet owners. He opened it to the public, like a big pet spa where dogs can come and play. There’s even a grooming area for fresh cuts and brushing. The whole project cost just over $500k, but he’s confident he’ll make his money back soon. “Skylar brought me all of this. He brought me all these changes. So I should give all of it back to him, to let him live a better life,” Zhou says. Check it out here.