Chipotle Improved Queso Recipe After Bad Reviews
A lot of people felt like the queso was lacking heat and flavor. Chipotle got the message that it was bad and they have improved the recipe….we hope.
By Admin on December 5, 2017
It’s no secret, when Chipotle rolled out their long-awaited, highly anticipated queso a few months back, the reviews were BAD.
I tried it and was very underwhelmed which made me look at the comments online to see if I was the only one. Spoiler alert, I wasn’t. A lot of people felt like it was lacking heat and flavor.
ETHICAL DILEMMA: If someone ahead of me in line at Chipotle orders the queso, do I have a moral obligation to speak up and tell them how awful it is? Or should I just straight up knock it out of their hands?
— Josh Svendsen (@Jsvenny) December 2, 2017
Chipotle Queso is a hoax.
— LD (@DaddyLayn3) December 4, 2017
Coworker: Have you had Chipotle’s queso yet? It’s like…throw up mixed with cheese @ChipotleTweets 😅💀😷
— Joseph Feist (@josephfeist) December 5, 2017
The only time I’ll say no to free queso is when it comes from chipotle
— alex🌵 (@ahhhhlx) December 5, 2017
Chipotle’s queso was the biggest disappointment of my 2017.
— Ellie (@Elllie_Stephens) December 4, 2017
You get the point, people did not like it and I think Chipotle got the message loud and clear because they have improved their recipe and it’s currently at their test kitchen soon to roll out to all locations. According to Eater, it’s “less grainy and has more heat to it”. The test kitchen also has nachos and I would definitely like it if they ended up rolling those out everywhere, as long as the queso is good of course.