Caitlin McHugh and John Stamos just tied the knot over the weekend. They got engaged at Disneyland back in October after about 2 years of dating, and the wedding happened on Saturday, February 3rd. They had their families and very close friends there to celebrate with them, at what turned out to be a very eventful weekend.

Just a few hours before the wedding, Caitlin’s hotel room was robbed of about $165,000 worth of jewelry. Police say it happened Friday evening, and so far they’re still investigating all the details. It happened at the Beverly Hills Hotel, and neither John nor Caitlin were there when it happened. Hopefully police can find out who broke in, and we hope that her jewelry can be recovered – or was at least insured.

Oh, and Caitlin is pregnant with their baby, in addition to the robbery AND wedding. It’s going to be a year to remember for them for sure!