4 Tips To Help You Get Out Of Bed In The Morning Easier
The Daylight Savings time change has us all feeling tired! Experts say using these tips can help improve your ability to wake up in the morning easier!
By bonneville on March 9, 2020
According to the Collegiate Times, these four tips will help you to get out of bed in the morning easier. . .
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1. The first tip is the obvious one, get enough sleep. Getting less than six hours of sleep will make it HARD to wake up.
2. Move your alarm to the other side of the room, you actually have to get out of bed to turn it off, which makes it harder to fall right back asleep.
3. Try using the “gradual method,” that’s where you wake up 15 minutes earlier than you did the previous day, to help you get used to waking up at an earlier time.
4. Treat yourself to snooze method when needed, use 5 or 10 minutes the most.
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