We’ve all heard the stories about “suspicious bags” that get left behind. Everyone has a slight trepidation of the bag containing something explosive. Perhaps it’s poisonous, or even just some dirty clothes? Whatever the case, you can’t discredit people for wanting to keep safe and calling the police. I mean really, when you see a bag just sitting in an unusual spot, anything can happen.
That’s what happened in Houston early this week. Someone noticed a gym bag on the side of the road. The caller said that they saw the bag in the median of a roadway through a neighborhood. Yeah, that’s an odd spot to find a bag. What’s more, the caller noted that the bag was moving. Movement inside a suspicious bag sounds like an X-Files episode start.
Police arrived to check the scene and determined that the bag was not a threat. Like, not at all, unless you count creatures with claws to be dangerous. Cats. They found cats in the bag. The real monster in this story is whoever left them there, but the good news is that the 3 little kitties are happy and fed now after taking a quick trip to the precinct.