They say he downsized, but this one is costing him $55,000 a month. What’s interesting about this move is that Selena Gomez just listed her home in Texas for sale. Now, before the rumors get too out of control, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the two are planning on moving in together, but you have to admit, it’s an interesting coincidence.
The Biebs has been having trouble finding a place to live since he had a sort of reputation for leaving places he’s renting a bit on the “needs repairs” side of things. He used to throw huge parties and basically trashed houses he’s lived in before. He’s been working on himself recently though, becoming a much better person both in his partying ways, and to prove himself to Selena. It must be working since he was finally able to score a new place to rent. It’s a beautiful home in West Hollywood worth about $18 million, which reportedly is a decent downsize from his previous place.
It’s got a pool, lots of bedrooms, all the typical celebrity home things, and it’s got a pretty sweet view of downtown LA too. 6,000 square feet, but just three bedrooms. Though it’s said that the closet in the master bedroom looks like a DJ booth. Interesting. We still don’t think Justin and Selena are moving in together just yet though. Yes, they seem to be going strong, but she just broke up with The Weeknd back in October, and if we’re honest, for a celebrity couple like Justin and Selena, 6,000 square feet seems a little cramped, doesn’t it? Check out some more details here.