Ok, this Royal Wedding stuff is getting out of hand, and now apparently Ed Sheeran is marrying Meghan Markle? Over in London, the Royals are big news, and companies are now even starting to make their own memorabilia to commemorate the event, and they’re even selling errors.

One of those errors, and it’s pretty painfully obvious, is a picture of Ed Sheeran on a commemorative plate, next to a picture of Meghan Markle. Oh, and they even got the name wrong, they labeled the plate as “Prince Henry,” not “Prince Harry.” Interesting; there hasn’t been a “Prince Henry” since 1509). Though it was likely intentional, since the person who made the plate was inspired by a mug that was made for Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding from 2011 that had a picture of Prince Harry instead of Prince William. So it’s a deliberate misprint – designed to be a joke.

The plate is available on Etsy, seen here, at a price of 25 pounds, or about $35.50 in ‘Murican money. The joke HAS made it back to the Royal Family, with even the Royal Chef chiming in with his take on the plate:

So, call it disrespectful, or call it a good joke, either way, it’s going to sell and will forever memorialize Ed Sheeran as Royalty. Oh, you know what? THroughout this whole story, I haven’t seen what Ed Sheeran has said about the plate. I wonder if he’s going to have a good sense of humor about the china (probably). Check out the full story here. Have you ever (intentionally or otherwise) mistaken someone for someone else, even though you clearly knew who they really were?