There are fans of McDonald’s, and then there’s Don Gorske. Two years ago, the 64-year-old broke the Guinness World Record for most Big Macs consumed with 28,788. However, just because he reached that milestone, that doesn’t mean he’s moving onto a different food…

According to People, Gorske has eaten his 30,000th Big Mac, and we are weirdly impressed.

He first tried the burger at the tender age of 18, and now has a love for it that few others can match. Gorske eats two Big Macs a day on average, and he’s been eating them every day for 46 years!

And that is not an exaggeration: Gorske has receipts, wrappers, and old containers to prove it. It only took him a year to finish his first thousand burgers, and he’s been going strong ever since.

In fact, since 1972, he only didn’t eat one on a few occasions, and there was always a good reason. One time was during a blizzard that closed the only McDonald’s he could safely make it to. Another time was after his mother died, due to her request that he not eat one in respect of her passing.

His love for Big Mac extends to a general love for McDonald’s as well. As it turns out, he even proposed to his wife under the famous Golden Arches in a parking lot. He’s also only eaten a Whopper one time in his life, and that was just because someone paid him to.

Related: McDonald’s Plans To Make Happy Meals Healthier Worldwide By 2022

With all that fast food, you’d think his health would be in a bad state. However, that’s quite the opposite. Gorske explained:

“People make fun of me, but it never bothered me. At my last medical check-up I had low cholesterol and my blood pressure was perfect.”

While we don’t think any doctor would recommend the Big Mac diet, we’re happy Don Gorske is still going strong.

Head right here to learn more about his Big Mac love. Also, let us know what you think about this crazy feat in the comments below!